I have been working at getting comfortable with BSS and had a site looking pretty much the way I wanted. Then, several of the pages had their content off center. (Actually all of the pages except for the blog post page which seems to take up most of the screen and still seems centered) The navbar and footers seem centered but the content in between was noticibly off to the left. I am betting that I inadvertantly hit the wrong button/setting at the wrong time and likely didn’t even know I was doing it. ugh. Anyway, anyone have some advice on how to get the content centered? It is clearly a margin issue but why on several pages at once? Very frustrating. Thanks for any help. Tom
If possible, can you publish your site online and send us a link so we can get a better idea of what might be wrong?
Thanks for the offer Martin. At this point it is not online, only on my local machine. When this occured last night I closed BSS and told it to “save as” a new file when I closed the wonky version out. This left the previous version intact. I checked this morning and I can copy and past files and images into the version that is working ok and that will help me avoid the trouble of tracking down what went wrong. It may take a little while but that will beat taking hours to track down my error. I do wish I knew though. I am sure I mistakenly hit a setting without knowing it. I am just learning and the interface is not the simplest layout.
Layout issues are typically not hard to track down if we can see the published site, or your .bsdesign file. Without being able to look at the site, it’s impossible to say what may have happened, because there are dozens of things that can affect layout. But rebuilding the whole site from scratch is a drastic solution that may not have been necessary. It might have been something as simple as having accidentally changed a flexbox setting on the Body.
Actually, I was able to rebuild it in about 30 minutes by copying the files that I knew were okay from the wonky version to the older saved version. It worked out just fine. The idea of a flex setting sounds likely and I may try and go back and investigate that. If you are interested in seeing the site, it is now up and running and can be found at http://boysaregood.com