eCommerce Product List NO PRODUCTS FOUND

I am following the ‘Building an Ecommerce Store with Bootstrap Studio’ video, and I’m getting snagged at the point where I drag the product list into the container, and I end up with no products where the video shows a nice set of products. What on earth am I doing wrong? I’m brand new to this, so I’m sure I’m doing something stupid…

When I go into settings, ecommerce, and set the “Select Project” to None, all the products appear, then when I select my reflow project, I go back to “No Products Found”. Why?

So I’m guessing here, now, that things have changed since this video, in that when developing, that I need to NOT have my REFLOW project selected, and then remember to again select my project when going live, and that all products and listings etc are done on the reflow site itself… …am I seeing this correctly?

If you don’t have any live products in your reflow store, selecting it in Bootstrap Studio will display the text you’re seeing. If you believe you have products, write to us via email with your store name so we can investigate further.

Ok, what you’re saying then, is that when you did the video, you had a ‘matching’ set of products in the repo store already?

Yes, we used a store with products for the video.

Hey thanks Martin, so this helps to clarify things…

So, to match the video, one has to already have made a store in their Reflow account called “Demo Store”, with some products in it, and then the video makes sense.

Interesting that the Product List, when dragged in, DOES show sample products, if there is NO connection to the Reflow account yet.

Also, a note that the Reflow project called “Demo Store” isn’t automatically created at the time of Reflow Account creation… we have to manually create that, just like any other store (it starts BLANK).

Please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this.
