Front end focus development


Oh, I miss a lot of things here... It'll be amazing if we could create and use some Vue.js or Angular component inside the BSS.

I think that, since that the software idea is to make easy the front end development, maybe support some other front end frameworks would be nice. It's better than support back end languages, just forget about it, it's not necessary for BSS. I'm a back end developer, and I'll prefer to use any other IDE for back end development, that have much more resources for debugging and plugins support. So, keep in that BSS is a software for front end development and make it nicer for this.

For now, BSS only provide the help to build the page structure, it saves a lot of time. But it's impossible to build a full and modern website since it doesn't provide any support for modern front end frameworks or support any kind of package management (as npm, yarn or bower). Also, It's not possible to use SASS or LESS, and it is so painful that make me only use BSS to create my HTML structure, I'm not able to stylish my website/application inside the tool, 'cause it only wrote down the CSS.

Another thing that I miss, is the version management control. OK, I can do it outside the software, but I think that would be great to have a native GIT integration, It should probably make the life much easier.

Oh, I also miss the use of build tools integration, like, webpack, gulp, grunt...

So, here is my list of ideas:

  • Keep the application focus on Front end development;
  • Support for JS frameworks as Vue.js, Angular and React;
  • LESS and/or SASS support, nobody uses pure CSS anymore;
  • Support to dependency management (yarn, npm, bower...);
  • GIT integration;
  • Support build tools (webpack, gulp, grunt...).

And that's all, for now.

SASS support is coming when the bootstrap 4 support release is implemented.

As for js frameworks, I too would love for this to be supported but I can't see it happening as this tool supports bootstrap that's it's main function so would suspect that react and angular etc will be way down the list as can be implemented after exporting

On this topic I would like to say that I actually write angular code right inside of Bootstrap Studio and utilize the attribute editor to do the connecting code to the elements and it works great. I would like to see some more integrated support for it though. I understand it would be a lot of work.

I agree with the GIT integration. This is very important to true developers and would be a big thing to see larger growth of user base.

+1 for Git integration. It would be glorious if there were git integration.

I actually like all the rluders' ideas. Most essential for markup workflow are LESS/SASS support and build tools integration. And +1 for focusing on front-end.

And when we (your grateful users) finally get access to LESS/SASS support we'll need to be able to set bootstrap variables. Here's an example (bad one): I'm sure you can implement it in a better "more visual" way.

Hope to see updates soon!

Here's a workaround for using Bootstrap Studio within a Gulp / SASS / BrowserSync workflow: