How do I enclose existing tags into a div

I have a few tags H and P tags that I wish to wrap with a Div. Is there a drag and drop method or the equivalent of EMMET: Wrap With Abbreviation

add div>h1+p using the Command Palette (Ctrl+P)

I did not realise there was a command pallet. However, that is Emmet for inserting a div with a H1 and P tag and it puts it at the end of the selected Block not mid-block. I am looking for a way to wrap a div around existing code, as I would with Cmd+W in VSCode. I have found that I can insert a div tag where I want it from the Studio then Drag the required tags in in the overview mode, which is ok for a few tags but not alot.

Drag a div to the location you want it in the Overview panel. Drag the h and p tags you have there or add new ones by dragging them into the Div directly.

You could also convert the html block or section to custom code. That would allow you to use your own editor to make the changes (three dots upper right). I have Sublime Text and VSCode set in my settings.

After making your changes using VSCode and Emmet, save and convert back to components.

I like your suggestion for a new feature in the command palleteā€¦that could be useful.