Improving Autocomplete and Lorem Ipsum

Hello. Can I make 2 suggestions?

1) Improving Autocomplete : When I type the first character of a CSS, the list shows the auto complete feature. It would be nice to show the list with all properties before typing (with an edit text at the top for filter search) Why ? Suppose I want to type the "margin-left" property, but I don't remember the syntax. I only remember "left"

2) Lorem Ipsum : When I select a text, the buttons at the top for formating and a "Char Imput" button appear. It would be nice to have a button to add "Lorem Ipsum" (maybe a combobox with different number of words or a spin edit)

A placeholder text generator could be useful but there is also and option of creating your own paragraph component and then dragging that in as and where you need dummy text

And there is already a component in the Online Components which you can search for Lorem and it should pop up for you to download.

You can also very easily use these 2 websites, which I use extensively: