Is it possible to do cascading Material Design cards?


I was wondering if it is possible to make reversed cascading cards like these: in BSS. I tried copying the code but that didn't yield any results unfortunately.


Bootstrap is the system that this app is designed for, so although I would say "yes" you can do Cascading Cards without any issues, if you want it to have any of the MD aspects you will have to add the code to the CSS manually, or add a CSS file that includes the CSS classes and ID's that you need for the "enhanced" part of the MD setup to work. Bootstrap does not inertly include MD as it's not straight Bootstrap code, but a spinoff of it. I would think it wouldn't be a good idea to import the full MD files as that would overwrite or duplicate "all" of the default files as well making your site much slower and may have some glitches due to the mass duplication of the files. Best to only import the classes/id's/js that you need.