Is there "Include" functionality for HEAD (Head Content) lines?

I have different “Head Content” for designing, vs production (an analytics code).

Is there a way, instead of having to modify the Head Content, back and forth, instead, to do an “Include” (or link etc), so I only have to change it in one place?

EG… maybe a variable to indiicate design vs prod conditional, would be great, if available… eg prod=0 or 1


Assuming that your analytics code is in js you could do the following

if (window.location.href.indexOf("") !== -1) {
    // Your analytics code here if the url contains your production site domain name
} else {
    // Optional: Do nothing or execute alternative code for developement site

I’m not sure I’m doing this right… am I supposed to put this all in the head still? Here’s what I’m trying but I’m getting gibberish printing out on my browser…

if (window.location.href.indexOf("") !== -1) {
<script defer data-domain="" src="">

    window.publytics = window.publytics || function() { (window.publytics.q = window.publytics.q || []).push(arguments) };
    } else {

Not sure if you can see it all in my reply, because it seems like it hacked out most of it…


if (window.location.href.indexOf("") !== -1) {
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.defer = true;
    script.dataset.domain = "";
    script.src = "";
    window.publytics = window.publytics || function() { (window.publytics.q = window.publytics.q || []).push(arguments) };
else {console.log("Nope");}

Do I have to surround that whole thing with script tags?

If you’re putting it in the head contents then yes.

If you’re putting it in a file then no.

Works with tags in the head… THANKS!

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