Maintaining a blog?

Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to BSS and coding in general. I have built up a site on the program and I plan to include a blog that is updated a few times a week. What are my options for hosting and getting to update the blog portion in a seamless manner? Each post will likely include an image and no fancy format. In addition to a blog, I will include a shop page eventually. Can I use Wordpress with BSS? I have another site that does not have a blog and use peopleshost to host. I'm not sure what other details I need to include so feel free to ask if you need more details to give a suggestions. I appreciate your time.

Bootstrap sites are static, so there's no simple way to add a blog through BSS. Simplest solution (IMO) would be to create a subdirectory and install a third party blogging platform like Wordpress or b2evolution.

You can also embed a Wordpress blog into a static site as well. You'll need to google that as I don't recall how it's done, I hate Wordpress lol.