Off site image src's are now being written with a preceding "/" [fixed in 2.3.3]

Since the latest update my google static image src now contains a preceded "/".

< img src="/,-75.971113&zoom=16&scope=2&size=640x640&markers=color:red%7C36.827845,-75.971113">

It will need to have some sort of detection for http,https,ftp etc...

This is not an issue in the app directly but noticeable when using the preview causing a broken image.


Thank you for catching this! This is indeed a bug. We had to change the paths for images so that pages in subfolders could still locate them, but we've missed the case where a remote image is used. This will be fixed in 2.3.3.

Just wanted to point out that base64 images fall under this as well. :)


This has been fixed in version 2.3.3 which was released today.