Reporting bad components

Yesterday i wrote my first public component; "Site cover with meme and responsive typography". It creates a cover page like this: enter image description here

Nothing really difficult, but it's necessary to work with viewport vw, vh, calc() and other responsive features. And it's not easy to keep the meme perfect aligned at different screen resolutions and vertically centered. Today I wondered if someone else already created a component like mine, or at least a cover page with a centered header that scales well. I found two other components, with many hundreds download, but none of those works:

-) Component Header Cover01 : tested also with chrome developers tools, it doesn't scale well and at phone size part of it gets pushed out of the screen

-) Component Cover Image / Parallax: Don't work. Even if there's an image inside the theme browser preview stays empty. Even in BSS online theme gallery there's no preview. I did not debug it, but out of the box is unable to even show it's own sample image.

That's a pity, i'd loved to see how other people used BSS to do a cover page with some text in it. But the only 2 other components i found don't work. Then I looked at latest shared components. Many have descriptions not in English, others don't have a preview, some are about wordpress (?) and more than a few are just one liners or really simply piece of html code. A few are just small variations of existing components. It was delusional.

now i'd like to report hose 2 not working cover components, and suggest that BSS needs a check on components quality. There are imho too many low quality, untested components.

Btw, if I decide to improve my own component, how can i update the public shared version?

Additional question about components. Let's say i think my component could be used also with a menu bar on top of it for a single page website. Am i supposed to create a new component where i put a top navigation bar, this 'cover with meme' component, some sample divs at the bottom, maybe add a smooth scrool js library and pack it as a new component?

What are shared components in bss philosophy? Basic pieces or also more complex ones? Is this cover page component all i need to share, or i can create an additional one where i also add a menu bar, some fancy effects and show how that can be combined and used?

If BSS is a tool for 'expert' users this basic responsive cover with meme is all i need to share, users are supposed to be able to use it. But if BSS target are inexperienced users, maybe showing how to put a div on the top with a menu bar is better. What's your idea?

Thank you for starting this thread!

now i’d like to report hose 2 not working cover components, and suggest that BSS needs a check on components quality. There are imho too many low quality, untested components.

I agree, at the moment the online components feature is too basic - people aren't able to vote, comment, ask questions or report low quality components. We will fix this in the upcoming 2.6.x releases, so quality components will surface. But I don't think we will be reviewing components - we will let it up to people to vote on them. Then we will use this quality score to sort them in the UI, so the best components surface at the top.

Btw, if I decide to improve my own component, how can i update the public shared version?

Updating components is also not possible at the moment, the only way is to delete your component and upload a new one. You can update the name and description though.

If BSS is a tool for ‘expert’ users this basic responsive cover with meme is all i need to share, users are supposed to be able to use it. But if BSS target are inexperienced users, maybe showing how to put a div on the top with a menu bar is better. What’s your idea?

Bootstrap Studio is used by developers of all skill levels. In general we want to make things easy, but still give pro users the ability to customize as much as they need. For your component, maybe two separate versions would work best - a basic one and one with the menu bar and effects.

Bootstrap Yearly Calendar (online component) by Paul-DS and others, is an important work in progress. We need some good calendar components, but this one is not ready IMHO.

The component creates 11 css files and 14 js files and results in a nice yearly calendar page that is scrollable forward and back and that is responsive, down to the width of one month. The active entry of dates and date ranges does not work in the downloadable component.

However I worked on it, downloading it from git hub and Saj and I got it working so that I could change and enter dates. But there does not appear to be a JSON database that can store any date changes or additions. It just reads the Events/Dates from a file and shows them, allows you to change them, and does not save them for later reuse.

We need a good JSON database programmer to create the database backend for this calendar, and wrap it in javascript so that it will work across servers. Then others might be able to use it for something useful.

The front end is pretty good however. I was trying to adapt it for an Availability Calendar, so that I would not have to have an iframe that slows the website down! It is a very simple calendar need with a date range function which is already programmed, and a need for two views, one for the public that cannot be changed (view only) and another view (perhaps a different html page with a login) that allows changing, adding and deleting the date ranges.

I am now going back to using an iframe, but hopefully one that is faster than Google Calendar, which is slowing the website down. It is called Availability Calendar, but it uses an iframe too, so it will be slow as well. If there are any suggestions for a similar (bootstrap, html, javascript, json) calendar that does not require iframe, I would be interested.

PS: RE Components: I like the ideas for Votes, Comments, and Improvement versions. Would the improvement versions be linked tree fashion or something? I also like the concept of learning from others and helping others, exampled in this community.