Sftp not working BSS Ver 6.4.0

my sftp user works with filezilla,winscp,cli console I am use the full path to public_html. But BSS still does not connect using IP or hostname and have tried both user Password or ssh key ?

Sorry that you’ve run into problems! Is this issue new to version 6.4.0? What error does the app display?

I use ssh key to login into server i also have PasswordAuth set to no in sshd_config. My web panel does create a sftp jail which allows passwd or ssh key connections and works fine with Filezilla,Winscp and CLI. but in BSS does not connect get error passwd or name not good.With a ssh key the same does not Connect but if i re-enable passwd auth then I am able to connect with passwd with BSS but ssh key still no go.

Look into /var/log/auth.log. What exactly messages you see?

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