Spring+AngularJS what's wrong with BS export?

Hi, I'm pretty new to front end development and to BS.

I just exported a simple index page from BS and what I got are: Index.Html Assets Folder : { Bootstrap Folder, Css Folder, Font Folder, Img Folder, Js Folder }

Now, when I open this Index.html just exported double-clicking it, locally in my browser eveything its ok and the page looks exactly like in the BS preview.

BUT if I copy-paste these files in my Spring project, when I run the tomcat to test the page, the output is missing several things. Is NOT a problem of wrong path for the files, I changed the path in the index.html and the ChromeF12Console doesnt show any error.

The only difference is the reference to Jquery.min.js, BootStrap.min.js, Jquery.easing.min.js and BootStrap.min.css since Im using maven so the path goes through webjars (and they seems to be loaded well )

So what would be the thing Im missing ? Something in the nature of a bootstrapp.css file or what ??

I know it's difficult to find an error withouth any code snippet: just do an hypothesis and I'll show you the screenshots.

Thank you very much in advance!! Usually I dont do front end but I really want to improve (especially since when I figured out BootStrapStudio)!!

This sounds like a path problem. You can try the "Use absolute paths" option in the export dialog. This way your pages will work regardless of which Spring route they are generated on.

Thank you very much for the reply.

Anyway I don't think so, as I wrote my console doesnt give me any 404 for the files :\

Should be like this (scrolling on 2 background)

But here is my output


Solved, I was importing the wrong css file. Thank you anyway