Using Lottie animations in Bootstrap Studio

Hi Everyone,

This is my first message/question on this forum. And I tried looking for any other messages asking this question but I didn't see any.

I was wondering if anybody could tell me how I can make Lottie animations work on a bootstrap studio site. If so can you please walk me through it as I am not very knowledgeable yet.

Thank you very much in advance.


Yes just follow the following steps:

Step 1: Import the json file needed for the Lottie animation

Step 2: Say "Whoops, why cant I import a json file in Bootstrap Studio ?"

Seriously though, I think the devs may be looking at allowing importing json but until then you would not be able to do it within the program (yet).

By the way it requires After Effects which is about 20$/month....I would think you would have to be a pro or working for an agency that pays for it to be a profitable option. I have to admit though...the stuff Lottie puts out is outstanding - I have not seen anything that comes close.

Hi Twinstream,

Thanks so much for your fast and funny reply. So even if you use one from this website: get the html code. It will not work cause you need to have a json file imported in the project first?


Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format.

Well, you can see the extent of my knowledge there. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer me. I appreciate it a lot.

My apologies if this holds true but looking further into this it appears the data.json file for the animation could be hosted elsewhere and you could link to that url.

Seems plausible so I may have a go with one of the examples from the site you refer too. I will update you on my success or not.

So YES it is possible.

I used this example for the method. Linked directly to the url given by the animation itself on (Forgive me webgods, I know I have sinned)

Looks interesting. Hate the name. "Lottie" doesn't make me think even remotely of animation software. I'll be watching its development with interest.

"Lottie" was way ahead of her time...