WordPress support in Bootstrap Studio? [Rejected]

Again, thank you for the great feedback!

Importing existing themes won’t be possible since we are not adding PHP support. Our integration will be very simple and lightweight, it will be just a few settings in the sidebar.

@bss_user Yes, this will just give BSS users another option for constructing websites for clients. It won’t change the nature of the app in any way.

@printninja The integration won’t affect the performance of the app. The issues you’ve faced could be due to some memory leak that shows up after prolonged use. We will fix this when we have the chance.

@dickykreedz Backend isn’t really what the app is designed to do. There are heavy weights like Jetbrains, Visual Studio and more which handle this perfectly. Supporting PHP or other backend languages will make drag and drop nearly impossible. It is best we stay focused on the frontend.

Correct, nothing is changing, if one doesn’t need WordPress they won’t see anything different in the app.

Most of these will arrive in future updates. We will start with the basics that you get with an out of the box WordPress install. Custom post types, fields etc will come later. WP menus and page templates may never be supported if we can’t offer a simple visual UI for them.