2 click solution Google Maps - "DSGVO"

Hey there, i just build my first website with bss and got a little problem: Due to the DSGVO (here in germany) you have to confirm that your data can be send to google..

I already added the map but i need a little help to just display it when you confirm that you want to send your data.

You can look up the website at 123dornbusch.de The map is on the "Konakt" link in the header

Thanks for your help.

There are several DSGVO issues with your site.

You need to: - Have an "Impressum" - Have a "Datenschutz" page

You should: - have a "Zertifikat" and enforce https - Integrate a form to be contacted - integrate google maps as a component - use a cookie banner (allowing cookies only after loading the page) - I realize you don't use cookies right now but you will once using a form and integrating google Maps....
