2nd navbar

Hello, I've have 2 navbars and when the 2nd one collapses and you click to open it shows the main navbar instead of the 2nd menu.


If you have 2 Navbars, it's likely that you just copied/duplicated the first one rather than having drag/drop in another one.

If that is the case, then the ID's of the Navbar Collapse block in the Overview pane (bottom/left) for each Navbar have the same ID and they should have different IDs. Therefore, you need to edit the second Navbar's Navbar Collapse block's ID by selecting the Navbar Collapse in the Overview pane then expand the HTML pane (bottom/middle/left) and then the Attribute pane below it. There you can change the ID from navcol-1 to navcol-2. Then you need to select the second Navbar's Navbar Toggle block in the Overview pane and then in the Attribute pane add the attribute data-target=#navcol-2 to override the currently set attribute.



Then you need to select the second Navbar’s Navbar Toggle block in the Overview pane and then in the Attribute pane add the attribute data-target=#navcol-2 to override the currently set attribute.

I see ID and Class Names when I click on the second Navbar Toggle block, where do I put data-target=#navcol-2?

Under the class part you click the + sign to add more attributes, you then type in data-target in box1 and #navcol-2 in box2 then click APPLY.


Thanks so much!

Your welcome, glad I could help :)
