Add a before or after the button in a collapse

I have a BS3 project which uses BSS 4.0.3. I have inserted a collapse below a paragraph of text:

<p>Click the button below</p>
<div id="Register">
    <div id="regCollapse" class="collapse in">

I would like to add a span element before and after the expand button:

<div id="Register">
    <span>Click the </span>
    <span> button to register for a class.</span>
    <div id="regCollapse" class="collapse in">

This seems to work as expected when I insert the span element in the exported HTML, but BSS will not allow the span element above or below the button.

I wish to use only straight BSS and not custom code as this project will be maintained by non-programmers.

Am I missing something? Is it possible to add to a future release?


-Terry Joyce

The prebuilt components provided by the BSS app are locked and block many/certain things that tend to go against semantic conventions. I guess that's the way to say it. One of the main purposes of the product is to help developers build semantic bootstrap sites.

You can always build the Collapse component manually which should give you more control over it, without using the Custom Code component. Just drag a LINK and set all the classes and data- attributes yourself. Then drag a DIV and do the same there as well, you can even use the prebuilt component as a guide. I do it from time to time myself.

Or better yet why not just change the wording of the button to "Class Registration".



Thank you. The manual method worked great. In all other cases we work around by putting and needed words above the button but in this case I think the results look so much better that we are going to try the manual method.

I will have to do a little more training to get the end-user to not look for the Show/Hide button but rather to manually set the collapsing div to class= "collapse in" when they want to edit.

Take care.

-Terry Joyce