I need to load my website by html include into another site. The problem is the assets are linked to /assets/css
I need the link including the domain like
Is there some configuration i don’t know yet?
I need to load my website by html include into another site. The problem is the assets are linked to /assets/css
I need the link including the domain like
Is there some configuration i don’t know yet?
How will you be loading the site in another? In an iframe, with AJAX or something else?
We are loading the site via javascript like in the w3-schools tutorial Link: How To Include HTML
If loaded regular on a webserver like apache or nginx there is no problem.
But we develop a webapp where one site is layered of multiple html sites via c++ and delivered over http.sys to the webbrowser.
In this configuration the standard path
does not work, but the path including the domain like https://www.example.org/assets/css
does the thing.
For a specific use case like this, the best approach would be to replace the asset path after export. You can use bash with sed, Python or any other scripting language you are comfortable with. You can set this as an export script and the app will perform it automatically.