Bootstrap 5.1’s "Offcanvas” navbar

Regarding Bootstrap 5.1’s ‘Offcanvas’ navbar ( ) in Bootstrap Studio (BSS):
In my Microsoft .NET dev world, I use BSS as a prototyping tool, which saves me huge amounts of time and effort - an invaluable tool in my dev toolbox!
Maybe I’ve missed it, but in BSS, I didn’t see a native implementation of the offcanvas navbar. So I tried to do it manually, namely via divs, appropriate classes, navbar, etc. Then while ‘previewing’ in BSS, I can see a working offcanvas navbar, but not in the BSS dev ui, resulting in a scenario that’s more trouble than it’s worth.
Request: Implement Bootstrap 5.1’s "Offcanvas” navbar in BSS.

It already is implemented, type offcanvas in the studio/components tab, and drag it onto your page/overview tab.

Use options to set position etc.

Click show to show it in BSS

Richards - Thanks (!) much for your prompt reply.
Sure enough, I missed it.
As you (Richards) pointed out, I entered offcanvas in the studio/components tab and there it is.
. . . yet another time-and-effort saving feature that make BSS a pleasure to work with.

I see that @richards answered your question.

Had a question about what use you need for the offcanvas? (asking from an experience/usage POV; not a tech POV)

Just curious where/when/what circumstances this is your tool of choice.

You could use it for an off page/slide in navigation bar or an alternative to a pop up modal.

I recently designed a site where a booking form slides in.

Good use.

Seems like this is the prime option for a Shopping Cart option. You agree?

Most definitely, take a look at snipcart, in my opinion the way they use off canvas for their cart is fantastic

In my app, I put a menu in the offcanvas element via ul/li items, much like what’s shown in the bootstrap site ( ). I like the way offcanvas slides into and out of view. It doesn’t get in the user’s way or take up valuable UI real estate (notably, mobile) when not needed.

mdonovan - regarding ‘… your tool of choice’. I discovered BSS a couple of years ago. Before then, I would do endless trial and error runs on the UI, in Visual Studio. However, my UIs looked like a ‘nice try’, lacking that ‘next level’, professional feel. Now, I prototype/build the UI with BSS, export the design, tweak that bootstrap/BSS script if needed, then bring the script into Visual Studio (.cshtml). BSS has greatly lessened that trial and error loop. I also test ideas in BSS, like the offcanvas element. For me, BSS is a true productivity enhancer and a maintenance reducer.

richards - yep, the offcanvas element in the snip cart demo is clean, intuitive, simple - I’m gonna revisit a couple of my pages…