Bootstrap Studio 4 (64bit).exe (Windows 7 and above) not starting up.

I don't know how long your IT career has been, but pretty much the very first thing any support tech will tell you when you're having trouble trying to register a program that has to communicate with a remote server is to turn off any firewalls or virus protection software you may be running. Even if you Google this kind of issue online you'll find people give this same advice. It really is common knowledge, especially on the Windows platform.

Hello Jo, I had no issues for activating BSS in my iMac.

Hello Printninja, I do not want my system unprotected to activate a licence. I know about the firewall blocking and your so called "Common Sense" or "Common Knowledge", much people think like that you think and it doesn't mean majority is right always.

I used many other software like PhpStorm, MyCharm, Adobe CC and many more, for activation purpose I had not stopped my firewall, why do I? You are talking about finding google where you don't know who is publishing the solution. You can make you PC unsecure (specially for Windows! huh!!) but I can't.

But anyway thank you all for you kind advice and suggestion.


You don't have to unprotect your system for more than the few seconds it takes to disable the firewall, register the program, and then re-enable it. And a firewall certainly doesn't guarantee your system is secure anyway. When I said use Google to find solutions, I don't mean just any old website. You have to be judicious. You go to trustworthy sites where people are knowledgeable about solving issues, like StackOverflow, or BleepingComputer.

I get the impression that you've got very little experience with solving Windows computer problems. The sort of issue you encountered, where you couldn't register Bootstrap Studio because your firewall was turned on, is not at all unusual on the Windows platform. Virus Protection software is also a common problem. In fact, much software will specifically instruct you to disable your firewall and virus protection for the installation process.

Windows in general has been non-stop nightmare of problems since it first came out back in the 1980s. Over the decades, millions of people in different online communities, most of whom are perfect strangers, help each other solve these kinds of issues all the time. We've been doing this since way before the public internet even existed, through private services like Compuserve, GEnie, and even private BBS's. My computer tech experience goes back to the late 1970s, when I wrote my first programs in BASIC on punch cards. I've seen enough to know what I'm talking about.

I'm just happy you got your program working. Enjoy building websites with Bootstrap Studio.

Hello Printninja, Thank you for your detail explanation. I know the firewall issues of windows, but as I said for licencing some other applications (I mentioned earlier) I did not need to stop my firewall and that's why I wanted to say BSS could have a guideline about Program Exceptions, Port Exceptions or Inbound Rules/Outbound Rules for firewall (digital signature may be, I don't know much), and also the displayed message could have something related to firewall. "Try again later" is not a good message.

And again thank you for you kind explanation.