Bootstrap Studio is sluggish (slow)

@martin Another update: The slowdown is definitely NOT related to the external editors. I removed them both from the BSS settings, rebooted the computer and started the program. I opened one website, did some basic changes to some CSS files, renamed a couple of files, and exported the website.

After I finished uploading the revised files, I quit BSS and noticed that my CPU temps were running about 10 degrees higher than normal. I opened Windows Task Manager, and sure enough, there was a single instance of Bootstrap Studio.exe still running (despite having quit the program.)

As soon as I killed the running task, the temps fell back to normal.

Whatever this issue is, it’s REALLY becoming annoying. I cannot figure out what is causing it :angry: All I know it that it’s related to one of the instances of Bootstrap Studio.exe not ending when the program is closed.

Thank you for the feedback! We are investigating this on our end. If others also run into this, you can write in this discussion.

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Once again, BSS went into its “slowdown mode” tonight after about an hour of doing relatively routine work… opening and closing 2-3 websites, editing and renaming some CSS files, exporting sites for upload, etc.

At various times I had Photoshop, Chrome and Filezilla open, but my system itself had plenty of free memory and every other application was running fine. Only BSS was sluggish. It got so slow that it was taking almost 10 seconds just to switch from the Attributes tab to the Options tab.

I took a snapshot of Windows Task Manager and as you can see, there is one instance Bootstrap Studio.exe that is using over a gigabyte of ram! This is undoubtedly the culprit, but I still have no idea what is causing it to happen. All I know is that it’s getting increasingly frustrating trying to use the program because I have to keep rebooting every time it encounters this slowdown.

I wish I had more to offer. Hopefully you guys can track down what’s going on here. If there’s any other system info I can provide when I encounter this slowdown issue, I’d be happy to help. Just tell me what to do.

We pushed a fix in Bootstrap Studio 6.0.3 that was just released. It should (hopefully) resolve these slow downs.

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Thank you @martin!!! I’m installing it now. Will keep you updated.

@martin I’ve done a few short 15 minutes sessions with the 6.0.3 release and so far there’s been no slowdowns or hanging instances of Bootstrap Studio.exe

I have a big site to build this weekend, so I’ll be using the program extensively for a long time. Keeping fingers crossed!

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@martin UPDATE
After using the program about a dozen times over the past 4-5 days, I thought everything was good because I didn’t experience any slowdowns during use.

But today I did a quick site update and when I quit BSS, after a few mins I noticed my CPU temps were idling higher than normal. I opened Windows Task Manager and sure enough, there was a single instance of Bootstrap Studio.exe still running. As soon as I force-quit the instance, CPU temps dropped back to normal.

I’ve literally started to get in the habit of checking my running tasks every time I quit BSS to make sure there are no hung instances.

Sorry to say it seems the problem is still not 100% solved.

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Sorry to hear it’s still occurring. Is the slowdown reproducible when you edit that particular design?

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Actually, the issue now isn’t slowdowns, but rather that after quitting the program, sometimes one of the Bootstrap Studio.exe instances hangs and keeps using system resources until eventually the whole system starts to slowdown. I have to open Windows Task Manager and force quit it.

This happens in a totally random fashion. Sometimes I can use the program 5-10 times a day with no issues, and then one day I’ll just use it once or twice and one of the time I quit, I’ll run into this “hanging” task issue. I’m trying my best to see if there’s a pattern behind what is causing it. It doesn’t seem to be related to any specific website.

I’ll keep trying to figure it out.

Maybe something that could help you awaiting a better day, @printninja… It will not solve the slowdown by itself, but it will free the memory from remaining BSS thread when you quit BSS.

Here is the big picture: you launch BSS through a shell script (batch file) synchronously, then when you close BSS, the batch takes control again and kills the BSS-related remaining thread.

The most sensitive part is to identify the concerned process in memory. So, here is a batch of mine that does this: you pass a string (i.e. “pid Bootstrap”, case-sensitive) and it returns the right PID in clipboard. So, you’ll have to modify it to do your specific job (on my side, I’m using it to quickly find a PID to attach to a debugger talking about compiled CGI), but it’s a base of work…

:: PID -- ELE 2021-05-13
:: Get PID's of processes containing given substring in their name, 
:: and send first one to clipboard for reuse (eg. to attach to debugger)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
set proc=%1
set /a i=1
echo|set /p=PID of running process with %proc% in name: 
for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%a in ('tasklist /fo table ^| findstr %proc%') do (
   set pid=%%a
   if !i! equ 1 (set keep=!pid!)
   echo|set /p=!pid! 
   set /a i+=1
if not !%keep%==! (
   echo %keep%|clip
   if %i% gtr 2 (
      echo ^(first one %keep% sent to clipboard^)
   ) else (
      echo ^(sent to clipboard^)
) else (
   echo none

While I kind of understand the concept of what you’ve explained here, this is way above my pay grade.

I appreciate the help, sincerely, but I’ve just added a hot-key to bring up Windows Task Manager and if I see BSS running after I quit, I just force quit the hung task.

Argh, beyond the raw aspect, this piece of script does a simple stuff: it finds a process identifier and put it in the Windows clipboard. Well, but anyway, I passed quickly and had not given enough thought to your specific situation, last time… In your case, you don’t care about the PID. So, you can just directly kill anything related to the BSS executable this way:

@echo off
echo Launch Bootstrap Studio...
"C:\Users\eln\AppData\Local\Programs\bstudio\Bootstrap Studio.exe"
echo Kill eventual persistent process...
taskkill /im "Bootstrap Studio.exe"

Of course, you adjust the path to the executable and you put a shortcut to this batch on the desktop. Far clear, isn’t it :yum:

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Thank you. This is clear.

@martin I’m still having the occasional issue of a “hung” instance of Bootstrap Studio.exe, and in this case, it was accompanied by a mild slowdown as the hung instance kept eating up system resources.

I’ve still not been able to identify the cause, but I think I’m narrowing it down. I believe it MAY be related to how the program handles IMAGES in some way. Possibly importing images, editing them in an external editor, inserting them into links, adding paths to the links, or overwriting existing images.

Today I added a modal to the home page of this website.

The modal is triggered by a script to open on page load. Inside the modal body is an image. The image is in a link and the link goes to a PDF file. The things mentioned above are all things I did in creating this modal, and it seems that one of those things is what caused one instance of Bootstrap Studio.exe to go awry. I could tell right away because I could see my CPU temps started running 10 degrees higher than normal. As soon as I force-quit the task, temps dropped to normal.