Calendar Dropdown with icon

Good day,

I am just a student working on his final year project.

I really need some help in executing a calendar dropdown by clicking on a calendar icon via an input.

I would require a Startdate and Enddate which will send the selected dates (dd/mm/yyyy) to the database

Appreciate if someone could guide me on the .js file and coding to make this work on Firefox and Chrome:

Below are my html codes:

<label> Start Date </label> <br> <br> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="startdate" value=<?=$startdate?> required > <label> End Date </label> <br> <br> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="enddate" value=<?=$enddate?> required > <div class="form-group"> <button class="btn btn-primary btn-block" type="submit" name="addprojbtn">Submit </button>

PHP codes:

if (isset($_POST['addprojbtn'])) { $projectname = $_POST['name']; $phpdate = strtotime( $_POST['startdate'] ); $startdate = date( 'd-M-Y', $phpdate); $phpdate = strtotime( $_POST['enddate'] ); $enddate = date('d-M-Y', $phpdate);

if($enddate < $startdate)
    echo '<script type="application/javascript">alert("The End Date must not be earlier than the Start Date!");</script>';
} else {
    if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO project(name, startdate, enddate, id) VALUES ('$projectname', STR_TO_DATE('$startdate','%d-%b-%Y'), STR_TO_DATE('$enddate','%d-%b-%Y'), '$id')"))
          $redirectUrl = 'memberhome.php';
        echo '<script type="application/javascript">alert("Project has been successfully Added! You will now be redirect back to member home page"); window.location.href = "'.$redirectUrl.'";</script>';
    } else {
        $redirectUrl = 'memberhome.php';
        echo '<script type="application/javascript">alert("Project has failed to be added! You will now be redirect back to member home page"); window.location.href = "'.$redirectUrl.'";</script>';


You're definitely not using BSS to create this, this isn't the forum to ask for help on for class projects, it's for help on using the software this company sells. You need to find forums that are devoted to programming for that type of help.