Can you make a custom tempate?


When you open one of the templates you have that plus button on the bottom right which you can use to insert components. I was wondering if it’s possible to to something similar? I bought a bootstrap theme and would like to find out if I can manually “convert” it to bootstrap studio to allow faster production.

So what is your question? I don’t see anywhere that there is a plus button when opening a Template. If it has more than one page to it, you get a “Customize” button for it, but no Plus sign. Can you be more specific? Are you sure you’re talking about Bootstrap Studio?

I think the plus button only shows up for the templates made for Bootstrap Studio that have a star with a circle around it after opening the template. Its a nice feature and very useful for those templates.

I think though after converting your theme manually you would want to create a folder and possible sub folders for your theme and save sections etc as components in your library so you can essentially do the same by drag and drop or insert before after stuff. It took me about 3 weeks of 3 to 4 hours a day to copy and paste all the html code with classes and everything else for about 28 pages of a theme I bought through the Bootstrap site. Included sass, images, js which was just easily imported. When you think about the time it takes to design all that and do the layout yourself…it might be cheaper in the long run. I learned quite a lot of good coding layout techniques from top notch Bootstrap developers who obviously work as a team when creating these.

Not directly. Themes generally consist of HTML, CSS and JS files. You can import the CSS and JS directly, but the HTML will import as custom code blocks. They will work, and you can edit them (you’ll need to know HTML), but they will not be editable with the program’s visual tools.

This is something that the devs really need to clarify on their main program page where they say that BSS can “import other websites.”