Card Slider in Carousel

Has anyone in here made a card slider from the carousel option in BS.
I am keen to make one for a current project and not sure how to do it.

No not like that. More like an article card with multiple cards

Based on GitHub - ganlanyuan/tiny-slider: Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes. rather than default bootstrap carousel

Yes these are exactly what I am looking for


It’s html markup only, so it shouldn’t be any problems to import it into Bootstrap Studio

If your card text has varying lengths, you can use this CSS to ensure consistent sizing across slides with cards. Adjust the height to your preference:

.carousel-item .card-text {
  height: 120px; 
  overflow-y: auto;
  scrollbar-width: thin;

If you want the card text to behave as a scrollable container on all your cards:

.card-text {
  height: 120px; 
  overflow-y: auto;
  scrollbar-width: thin;

Note: Safari users will see a scrollbar with standard width.

Please ensure each card has only one <p class="card-text">text</p> element.