Comments welcome on my new Smart Mousetrap website

Hey, love to get your feedback! have you seen this new “Make any snaptrap smart” thingy? It’s fairly new, and called TrapEEzEE… My website sits at and “buy Now” buttons link to mfg (YoSmart(dot)com). It also links to Discourse forum (Thanks for recommendation @martin !)

Context… NOT WiFi… so it goes like 1/4 MILE! (400 meters), can SMS any old cellphone, no recharging (2 AAA apparentlyy last 2-3 years!), can voice announce a catch on a built-in speaker hub, blah, blah…

Thanks for your feedback!

Nice, clean website.

Comments: You might want to take a look at the layout between 576 pixels and 700 pixels (potential tablet size) as it looks a little odd (see pic below.)

Also, you should set the link on the Brand logo to go to the home page. Nowadays, people are accustomed to clicking/tapping the brand image to go to the home page.

Good points
Thanks, appreciated!

Nice clean design and no needless transitions.

Thanks for your feedback!

Wow, you did a great job putting this together. :smiley:

Thanks, much appreciated!