Cool page for login

I’m trying to create a page for a login like the old like

Basically, I like to have the blue and then a white place like in the picture where I can add my components for the login. Do you have anything like that?

Thank you in advance,

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Hello Enrico,

Always love login pages like this and have tried several ways to create them in Bootstrap. I now have a method to create them using no custom CSS. Here is an example of how it looks:

You can download the BSS file here, I will make it available for as long as possible.


This is very nice! Thank you so much!

Is it possible to have the white part round and the background the same color of the left side?

Thank you in advance,

You’ll be able to download the file and have a shot playing around with this yourself.

I’d encourage you to learn and give it your best effort to set it up how you wish!

If you get stuck, feel free to ask.