Div tags not working

Hello, I created a picture gallery of styles. Under each image is a description. When I view it on mobile and and tablet it looks horrible. It is taking the description and putting making it long instead of putting it in a box. Here is what I have tried. I felt the best way was to put it in a div and try to control it that way. Nothing is happening. I dont know if BSS has a lock or a code that I am not seeing that will not let me control with a div. (yes, i build mobile first) The steps i took: I tried to create a css for .container (BSS put the div class of container in there) . I tried to do an ID. I tried inline css and it is not responding. Can you please look at the code and tell me what in the world I am doing wrong. as always I appreciate your time, help and knowledge.

<div class="col"></div>
<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-6"> 
      <div class="card" >
        <h5  align="center">Box Braids</h5>
        <div class="card-body"> 
          <p style="font-size:10vw">
            Box braids are one of the most requested and versatile styles. Their sizes range from small to extra large, and their length can range from above the shoulders to down the back. This low maintenance style can be styled in such a way that you can go from the gym to the boardroom and be aesthetically prepared to attend both functions. Let our professional stylist help to bring your box braids style ideas to life. <br>

    <div class="col-6">
      <div class="card">
        <h5 align="center">Cornrows</h5>
        <div class="card-body"> 
          Cornrows are braided very closely to the head. This style is very low maintenance , as once the braider has configured a style you do not have to worry about styling your hair on a daily basis. Cornrows can be braided in a variety of styles such as going straight back or braided into a ponytail! You can’t go wrong with this vacation hair style! Come and let our professionals help you bring that style to fruition.<br>

looks fine to me, but I'd use a smaller font size like 3vw; (if you like to use vw)

enter image description here