Download Bootstrap unsuccessfully

Hi all,

Iā€™m trying to download Bootstrap on my new iMac, but unsuccessfully. Does anyone know why?

Thank in adv :pray:


Looks like you successfully downloaded the dmg file but your macOS is too old to support it OR you might have downloaded the wrong one: arm64 vs x64, ie. Intel vs M processor version.

Bootstrap Studio (arm64).dmg vs Bootstrap Studio (x64).dmg

Also see:

Which operating systems are supported?
Bootstrap Studio works on Windows (7, 8, 10 and 11), macOS (10.13 and up) and many Linux distributions (including Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora). Chrome OS is not supported.

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Thanks @szabesz , the download site says MacOS (10.13+) and Iā€™m on 12. Anyway, in the end I downloaded the old version 5.9.3 which is no problem :ok_hand:

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