E-commerce Store

Hello guys!

I just want to share my E-commerce Store with sample products.

Please give feedback or recommendations to improve the UI of my store. Thank you!

Grinder’s Choice ==> https://grinders-choice.bss.design/

To BSS Developers:

Hope the cards can make smaller because larger cards are too overwhelming. :slight_smile:

I recommend this grids:

Hi there, did you alter the code when you input the shopping cart code?
Because mine is showing the quantity being cutoff.

Yup. I modified the code brother. The only thing that I cannot modify is the grid layouts. I really want to change it so that the cards will look small.

I hope the Bootstrap Studio creator will allow us to change the grid layouts of the product-list. :slight_smile:

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Can I see your link?


I don’t understand why it’s being cut-off, even putting it on a blank page it’s still doing it

resolved :
.ref-quantity-widget input {
width: 3rem;