Ecommerce Showcase?

hello friends, long time lurker here, I finally decided to purchase the lifetime and I’m currently building an ecommerce static site using reflow. I noticed that there aren’t many examples of ecommerce sites built using this, and so I need to see what wonderful and business-oriented tweaks you’ve been able to achieve with this software because even using the software a little, I had an issue with the behavior of the “ViewCart” component.

I noticed the “ViewCart” component updates to show the number of products added, and clicking it display the cart page, either as a dropdown or from the side, however i expected the cart page to show a checkout button, regardless of which mode i chose to display as, and the checkout button is greyed out or disabled when cart is empty. I don’t understand why this can’t be implemented natively inside the software

also, when you click on a product using add to cart, the product pop-up page doesn’t have a “remove from cart” option, meaning if a customer adds product A then product B, the customer has to navigate to cart page to remove any product instead of using the +&- on the page.

if there are workarounds for these issues kindly educate me, also let me see the ecommerce websites you’ve been able to deliver using bootstrap studio

Hi. Try to, in the “Options” of your view cart component, add the URL to your shopping cart page. This should allow you to go to the checkout section and remove/add products.
Regarding the dropdown or sidebar, that is just how it works. You could just add a generic button and point it to your shopping cart page, perhaps. Hope this is somewhat of the answer you were hoping for. Cheers!