Error message when sending a Smart Form

Does anyone know why it sometimes gives an error when sending a Smart Form?
I have tested it several times by filling in the fields with the same values and sometimes it displays the sending message successfully and at other times it gives an error, however it always sends normally.

Filled fields:


E-mail received normally, even after the error message:

Here is my file smart-forms.min.js (if it is related to the problem): smart-forms.min.js

It is because you have both the original smart-forms.min.js and your manipulated version on your page. It’s just a click in Bss to fix it

Could you be more specific? Where should I click to correct?

You shouldn’t copy the smart-forms file, make changes and add it again. When the app detects a smart form in your site, it automatically adds the smart-forms js file that handles the form(s). When you add your own version of it, this results in everything needed to parse/send the form being done twice which ultimately leads to wrong messages. The way to fix it is to delete your customized smart-forms file.

We are working on allowing users to customize the success/error messages, this will eliminate the need to customize it yourself. Hope this helps!

I hope this fix will arrive soon! Thank you!

If you can’t wait you can do something like this. It uses your version of the smart-form js. It doesn’t add the original smart-form js when you click the publish button.

but as @gabby said they are working on allowing users to customize the success/error messages, this will eliminate the need to customize it yourself.