Events Component

Since the addition of the Blog Component is so easy to work with and well implemented, could you please add a Event Component unless one is already in the works. Days, Dates, and Months with each having optional periods too would be great for a Event Post Date.

:luggage: Company Events

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I think that the best approach would be to add support for custom data fields in Blog Options. This will let users define whatever fields they need. Do you think this would be a good solution for you?


Custom data fields in the Blog Options would be a simple clean solution without any additional overhead I would agree. :+1:

totally agreed, custom data fields seems clean enough for immediate solution…

and for the long run, the same solution, when dev team have any planning to integrate it with bss internal chart component(*), that is gonna be solid all in one dashboard solution, for simple serverless infrastructure…

*instead of blog loop, we might feed the data to generate single chart…

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I agree. Please, please … Let’s do this.