export components

Is that a question? If so then the similar answer would be no. Lol.

Option: when you save your components that you know you will want to export, just be sure to check all the supporting files/images checkboxes so it will add a file for them to the project when you add it. This way when you export the project, you will have the code on the page as well as the separate css and JS files for it. All you will need to do is pull the images if any and your all set.

Still need to include the base bootstrap files along with the above, since all is based on bootstrap.

So the answer is pretty much “yes you can”.

Sorry for adding an empty topic. It was posted before I even knew how the trick of the trade was.

Note to the Forum master: You can delete this moment of silence on this forum, for I don't seem to be able to do it myself.

No worries, the answer to both your questions is in this thread so hopefully that helped some.