Forçar navegador de usuário atualizar

When I make changes to the website and publish, browsers continue to display what is recorded in cookies, I have to refresh for the changes to be seen. The problem is with the user who doesn’t know that there have been changes and continues to see the old website. Is there a way to force the user to always update the browser with some type of code?

In your export settings make sure that version assets is turned on. This will add random string to your css/js/images to force them to reload.


With regards to cookies, BSS doesn’t generate any, so any cookies that you have would have been added by either yourself or a third party plugin/script.

Also if you are hosting on your own server, you might want to check your cache settings and purge the server cache

Thanks for the tip, bootstrap studio is the best tool I’ve used to date, but I still need to learn a lot.