From Template to Thought: Building Robo Thoughts in Bootstrap Studio

I’ve recently enhanced a blog with Bootstrap Studio and ExpressionEngine 7, utilizing a LAMP stack for robust backend support. This integration focuses on maximizing design flexibility by bypassing the complexities of templating languages. By employing data attributes for design elements and converting them into ExpressionEngine’s templating code through a custom Python export script, refined with js-beautify, the design process becomes more streamlined and efficient. This strategy not only clears the clutter associated with traditional templating but also simplifies the initial stages of design.

Crucially, this technique supports ongoing adjustments in layout and design without jeopardizing the integrity of existing template code. This represents a departure from the ‘one-and-done’ methodology, introducing a dynamic, iterative development process that accommodates evolving creative visions without technical constraints.

For demonstration purposes, I’ve set up a blog site that mirrors the preview experience you’d have during development. Additionally, the navbar includes an external link Robo Thoughts Blog to the fully exported site, showcasing the final output for comparision. This setup illustrates the seamless integration of design and development tools in creating a dynamic, user-centric web experience.

The next step will be to apply the templating method to a Theme Project, with more work to be done.

The templating example used is ExpressionEngine 7 (default_site converted to Bootstrap 5), but the concept could similarly be applied to other templating languages, such as Twig, Blade, etc.