Getting the first page on Google

Remember my brother’s website?
Well, this week I’m making tweaks and improvements to it, so some evolution results in the site’s placement on Google searches.

Daily adjustments and improvements are made to unlisted pages, or those that are not listed on the first 3 pages of Google search results.
Quite frankly I consider myself very bad at creating websites, my strongest point is indexing and search results on Google.
If you are going to search my post history here on the forum you will find some where I complain about meta tags in the BSS, so I had to do them all manually, the results are presented in the charts.
Sitemap, robots.txt and content tweaks also made a difference.
Frankly, I’m just publishing this information here, because it was here, only here, that I got help from friends, in all facebook groups they just ignored my doubts and requests for help, they even made fun of it.
All the websites I’ve made to date have been focused on getting results from Google searches.
I’ve always focused more on SEO than the design itself.
I will continue my work, I hope that within a week I will get the 20 pages with return on Google searches with first or second page.
Remembering that I did all the work on my brother’s website for free.
Follow the link to the temporary BSS site to observe the graph and possible comparison in research, remembering that I am in Brazil and changes in location influence the results.
Link to the page.
I wish you all a happy new year!


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Great job! Congratulations.

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Thank you, the site is checked twice a day and adjustments are made to the content and sent back to Google search, today there are 17 out of 20 pages on the first page of Google in searches.