Help with SFTP on BlueHost

Having a hell of a time trying to figure this out - I have a hosting on BlueHost and I was hoping to use the direct publish option inside BSS, but when I set all the settings in the connection dialogue and test, it says it fails. Has anyone managed to get it working with BlueHost?

If you have a shared hosting account, you will first need to enable SSH Access for your account.

Hey, so update: I managed to connect to my server with FileZilla both via SSH key and password. However, when I replicate the connection options exactly in BSS, it still says “SFTP Connection failed, check your login credentials, port and authorization”

I don’t understand, I even checked windows firewall and it’s set to allow BSS to upload (I’m able to upload to BSS’s own hosting site as a test, for example)

EDIT: Ok weirdly, now I cant connect with password on FileZilla but can still connect with SSH key