I have a BSS e-commerce site and using reflow for product feed. How can I add the product pages to sitemaps.xml? Currently the sitemap.xml that is being generated by bss has the “category” level url added to sitemaps.xml but it is not adding to sitemaps the page of the actual single product.
The product pages are created dynamically, there is only one product page. However, in the URL a query is added so that Reflow knows what product it should show. It then looks up the data over the API and populates the page using JavaScript to add the product info.
Thank you for the explanation. Its seems that this puts an ecommerce site powered by bss + reflow in a bit of a weaker position in terms of SEO. Does the same apply for indexing the page via manual google search indexing request?
If your store doesn’t have too many products, you can use the blog loop component to feature a product on each blog page, effectively turning it into a product page. Name the pages after the corresponding product. Instead of a product list, you can use a blog loop on your index.html. This way, your product pages can be included in a sitemap.