How To Custom Simple Slider?

hi there,

i buy bootstrap studio maybe 2 or 3 months ago, but i have time to use it now.

i have question about how we can really custom the simple slider? i would like to make the max width is 1200px and height is 500px. i can change it on look&feel option, but after i change it the position of simple slider is go to left and can't in the center or can multiresolution. how can i get the result for simple slider the max width 1200px and height is 500px but the slider is on the center on any resolution? i edit align item into center but it still doesn't work at all.

also how it can automatically animate slide into next slide?

thankyou so much.

i would like to make the my slider is like this picture (i edit it on photoshop to make it center so its just for screenshot)

i would like to make the my slider is like this picture (i edit it on photoshop to make it center so its just for screenshot)

for practice in bootstrap studio, i try to change the width and height of the simple slider like this

enter image description here

but the result is my slider position is cannot at the center

enter image description here

i really need help how to make it at the center and my slider size is width : 1200px and height :500px