Please, i need to put on my page Jumbotron Hero Photography 2 times in my page with differents images. I try to know it. I see the first image on the both. PLEASE HELP ME

Without opening the app or seeing what your page looks like I'm going to guess that there are ID's involved within the Jumbotron. Look there and see if that's the case and if it is, change the ID of the second one (and anything affiliated with that ID) to a 2 at the end of the ID or adding a 2 to tell the page not to show the same one twice.

If that doesn't help, please include a link to the uploaded page with the 2 Jumbotrons on it, so we can see better what it is you're trying to do.

Hello, Thanks for everything Please, i need to put on my page Jumbotron Hero Photography 2 times in my page with differents images. I try to know it. I see the first image on the both. PLEASE HELP ME. I give now a link to see what i need.

What i need is a different image on Hero photography component. When i try to put an image, this image appear on the two component. The first HERO PHOTOGRAPHY is on top and the last one is bottom. Please help me

both your jumbotron are class=div.jumbotron.hero-photography with css background:url('../../studio/img/hero-background-photography.jpg') even if you added an id=1 and an id=2 you don't use it to set different background.

First, you need to set a better id. It's not good practice to have CSS IDs (quick note to @martin to verify IDs syntax) begin with a number, so rename it jumbo1 then create a CSS rule

#jumbo1 {
    background: aquamarine;

Again, this is not an issue about the software bootstrap studio, but really basic html and css syntax.