How to: Remove bootstrap.min.css from Default

Ich verwende die SCSS-Files für mein Projekt. Diese generieren ein angepasstest bootstrap.compiled.css. Aus diesem Grund benötige ich das Standard-CSS “bootstrap.min.css” nicht mehr. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dieses aus dem Projekt zu löschen?

(First and foremost, it has been generally agreed upon by the BSS community that all posts in the Forums should be in English. So you should translate your question and repost.)

I copied your question into Google translate and read it. Here is your answer.

Bootstrap’s default styles are locked in this program. You cannot delete them or remove them from within the software, but you don’t have to. You simply go to the design tab on the lower right, right click “Styles” and choose “import stylesheet.” Import your new bootstrap.min.css file and it will override the default bootstrap.min.css file.

Another option (more tedious and basically unnecessary) would be to export your project, and then go into folder assets>bootstrap>css where you could delete the default bootstrap.min.css file and replace it with your own. But then you’d need to do this every time you export your website (unless you automate the process with an export script.)

The first method I described is the simplest and easiest way.

Hi printninja,

I tried your suggestion to “import stylesheet” (BSS v5.8.6) with my own “bootstrap.min.css” which contains a basic reset “* { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; }” to test. However, I didn’t get the result I was hoping for.

BSS ends up linking to “assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css” and my own “assets/css/bootstrap.min.css”. It appears to merge the two when I really want to disable the default CSS completely and build my own without manually overriding every style. Any suggestions?


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