How to remove link to https://cdnjs... in headers?

I have <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> in my headers but would prefer to link to a locally stored version of animate.min.css. How can I remove the cdnjs reference?

That is there because you are using the in built animation tool - if you want to have animate.css locally stored then you will need to import the css file yourself and then add the class names that power this yourself in the attributes panel

Thanks. I have stored it locally and have imported it into the BSS project but I am unable to remove the link to the remote version.

Have you undone all of the animations you have set up using the tool? If not, I suspect that might be while it’s still showing, but worst case drop a note to the devs via the contact form to ask for help getting rid

Icons will be served locally, why we cannot have animations locally, either? Same goes to Font's btw. These links in the header are not GDPR compliant. We are not allowed to load external resources without permission of the user.