Images that enlarge on click

Maybe this has already been explained here, but I haven’t found it.
I need a page with cropped images, when clicking on them they are displayed in their full size, I will use two images as an example.
I would really appreciate the help of friends, I’m tired, some personal problems and my concentration is not very good these days, so if you can be objective I would appreciate it.
Remembering that I am Brazilian and I use the browser translation to read the answers, kkkk.
Thank you all.

Hi @gilmar, happy new year.

Have you tried lightbox gallery?


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Hi @richards, thank you very much, not yet, actually I really wanted to remember that name lightbox.
Happy New Year.

Thanks again, but the lightbox gallery didn’t meet my needs so I created a component and it’s shared online, the search term is “Galeria de imagens modal”

galeria de imagem (