Infected uploaded component

I can’t tell if the component itself is infected - I wasn’t going to take the chance downloading it - but I did click on the EXAMPLE LInk

[I inserted image of link so you don’t click and have your system infected].
The component as you can see is the Team Rotating Cards created by Imagia.

Google Transparency Report shows the domain as safe, and scam adviser gives it a 66/100 but as a general rule, I avoid visiting non-secure websites (no httpS). The domain is relatively new (registered in June of 2023) and it was registered privately, and they didn’t pay for an SSL, which all suggest “danger.”

Even if the domain and site are clean, that doesn’t mean the component itself is not malware.

But, the Bootstrap Studio community is not that large, so (at least to me) it seems like a odd way to try and spread malware. (Of course, the creator could have some sort of vendetta against the BSS developers or users, and wants to exact revenge. Anything is possible these days.)

How do you even FIND this???

Thank you for reporting this! The components aren’t infected. The author’s domain name has expired and has been bought up by a spammy domain broker. We removed the demo links from the component descriptions.

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Ye hadn’t realised until too late the lack of secure connection - my anti virus prevented the download of any ‘dangerous’ stuff.

martin from Bootstrap has supplied good info and it is great that they are quick to remove the dangers.

Thanks for that…