Looking to Create a Job Search Site

Hey everyone,

Im currently looking to build a job board site and have no idea where to start. I would like to use an api from a site like indeed to have jobs display ( im really not sure how this works) and promote them. Is there anyone with the knowledge to point me in the right direction? Any help would be very much appreciated!

Well you have to build a webserver wich will handle the interaction with the API. I (personally) would write a server with Java as Spring Web application and use Bootstrap Studio to create the design wich would be later integrated via a templating engine like Thymeleaf.

But there are countless alternatives to use as Java.

There are also a lot of already premade systems that you can utilize if you have a server account with a cPanel already. If you go in there and look at the preinstalled software that usually comes with cPanel (Softaculous usually is the brand) you should find all kinds of things you can install on your server to use. There may not be a "job board" exactly, but may be something you can use to get the ball rolling.