I have published a website using bootstrap studio hosting: https://generatereportonline.bss.design/
This website is password protected and the password is ruth
Since you cannot password protect specific pages in your website, I have embedded this password protected website in my actual website, hosted on cloudflare but designed with bootstrap studio as well : Easily generate your reports online
The problem I am encountering is, when I visit the website hosted using bootstrap studio, I am able to log in successfully with the password, but on the cloudflare hosted website, even though I have embedded the bootstrap hosted website, it doesn’t accept the password. I can’t seem to wrap my head around why I am encountering this problem.
Visiting the links will not give you a picture of the problem I am encountering, I am finding a different way to achieve what I want to achieve, but developers should know if you have a password protected site and you iframe it in another website, the password doesnt work and you are unable to access your password protected site in the iframe
If you’re looking for a simple way to do a very basic password protection on individual pages and don’t have the ability to access the server, you can try this little tool…
It’s not super secure, but it will keep out ordinary people who know nothing about websites.
The actual developer’s website is no longer up, which is why you can only find this on archive.org. But everything is there, including the downloadable zip file.
THank you very much. Will find time and look into this… I am grateful.