Phone number disappears on website

Hi guys,

When i insert my number on my website, it doesn't show when i publish it? I've tried using paragraph, listing and header, but it just disappears? Can anybody show me how to fix this or explain why it's happening?



If you're talking about the white text that says : Phone number: +44 xxxxxxxxx (I've inserted x's for privacy reasons) Then it's showing up just fine to me. Clear your browser cache, often, that's usually the culprit when testing pages for changes if you don't see them.

Thanks for that. But have you tried opening it on your mobile? Because it shows on my desktop but not when I view it on mobile.

I see the number in Chrome on my Windows desktop, my Android phone, and in mobile emulated view in Chrome. But you've got other issues. For one, the dropdown menu on your home page shows two links that say "Contact" (only the first one works), and on your contact page, the words Contact Me are covered up by your navbar. You've got some stuff to fix there, especially if this is your "portfolio" website.

Also, why have a separate contact page when you've got a contact form on the bottom of your home page? Why not just have an anchor link that takes you to the form on the home page?

The phone number does not show on mobile on my Iphone6 if that helps....

Seems like something weird and I do not have a clue.

Also, if I click on my mobile iphone where the text should be in Safari the phone number does appear and the dialer function appears also so I would try setting some initial css with important! to troubleshoot.

Shows up fine on my iPhone 11, but the nav bar overlaps and doesn't pull the page down far enough to see the full page title. One of the reasons I don't use menus that stick, always seems to screw up somewhere lol. Anyways, I can see the phone number just fine in Chrome on mine. Just checked Firefox and although i "can" see the phone number, the coloring is completely different and that might be where your issue lies. Maybe check the ordering of your CSS files? Not sure what else to tell you to try, but in Chrome the form input backgrounds are white, while in Firefox they are black (this is on phone, didn't try on desktop.

As far as the menu bar goes, it is covering half of the page title "Contacts". Hope that helps. Clear your cache though if you haven't already, that's usually part of the answer, but that won't be all of it with these coloring issues and menu bar positioning.

Thank you all for your feedback!