PRO Version Opinion

The price of the PRO version seems very right to me, but there is a problem. There must be a way that we can have control of the stores.

And that we can give the client access to these stores, since you practically close the opportunity to create a business with the system. And we will not be able to correctly manage the page.

If in the pro version they allow us to account to our clients that they only see what is necessary without seeing the price of the plan, it would be great.

And that the URL that is given to the client to manage their store does not have advertising. ( I say in the PRO version )

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Where do you see a price for it?


Thanks, I haven’t been checking there, I saved it for later reference. :slight_smile:

@martin I agree with the features for Reflow Pro except for Digital Downloads not being included with a standard plan.


We will be working on multi user access in the coming months. You will have the option of restricting what is available to the client account, so for example you can limit them only to their store’s products and orders without seeing the settings.

And that the URL that is given to the client to manage their store does not have advertising.

We don’t show advertising in Reflow.


The original plan was for digital products to be available without restrictions, but we dropped the idea because it’s risky. It can be used for uploading copyrighted or criminal content and if we leave it available to everybody we are only asking for trouble. The risk is greatly reduced if it’s restricted to paid users only.


In the standard plan, will it still say in the email to customers sellers@reflowhq and not the customer’s store name?
I understand that the powered by reflow will still appear in the standard plan, but not sure about the email field

@martin that is a very good point I seriously did not think about. I appreciate the response.

@martin I am very interested in the Subscription and membership feature under the pro version, I sell online experiences/content and currently I am unable to manage the sales under reflow.