Publish doesn't take into account post-export scripts

I use a post-export script to rename all generated files for I18N support.

When pressing the publish button, the files are freshly generated (not sure if these are stored anywhere), but the post-export script is not run, leading to a broken upload.

This is correct, the export script is not run when publishing. Publishing and exporting are different processes. It can be a bit confusing because some of the export settings are taken into account when publishing. Maybe we should duplicate the relevant settings from the export to the Publish settings screen. We wouldn’t want to change anything without hearing other people’s opinions though.

At the moment if you wish to run the export script, you can enhance it to upload your site as well, and use the Export feature instead of Publish.

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It can be a bit confusing because some of the export settings are taken into account when publishing. Maybe we should duplicate the relevant settings from the export to the Publish settings screen.

This is a very confusing and different behavior, which doesn’t make sense.

When I export things, for putting files into version control I don’t want to have any different behavior as when I publish. Publishing just adds an additional step: publish it to local drive, server, etc.