Publishing Issue?

Hello All!

I'm loving BSS so far. still trying to get familiar with everything and looking forward to SCSS coming back into the picture.

That being said, I'm having an issue when publishing. I took a screenshot to illustrate the difference between the head tags. In the screenshot, the left side is the "published vers" and the right side is the "live preview vers".

Is BSS supposed to export my style sheets to the preview, or am I missing something?

I appreciate any help you guys can give!

You're using CDN's for almost all of your Head files, so yeah, it's going to be completely different. CDN's are most likely not read on the Preview, they are only generated upon export (correct me if I'm wrong here someone).

Thanks for the catch Jo,

Being new to BSS, can you tell me what I need to do to change the head tags so they work in both Preview and Publish? I don't remember setting anything up previously for them.


You're quite welcome. Are you planning to use CDN's for all of those things? If so then it's already set to go and I don't think there's anything else you need to do. BSS usually has the most up to date of files so unless you're using a CDN to purposely use an older version of something, then the outcome should be the same either way.

As for the rest of the HEAD, right now the only editable things are the Meta tags which you can access by right clicking over any page in the listing of your pages and choosing Properties and navigating that area to edit and add Meta Tags to your page.

You know, I can't say for sure what the final decision is going to be. Is there something I can do in the meantime to make the Published vers. display everything properly?

Hmm, well you didn't really say anything wasn't displaying properly lol. Just that the code was different. I guess we'd need a little more information or screenshots on what you mean by displaying properly if it's not doing so. I do know I saw a thread by someone else I think yesterday or the day before that said something about CDN's not displaying properly for them either, might have been you? Can't recall lol.

I would suggest try using the default files and see how that goes, and report the issue in the Feedback forum. Try finding that thread too, you could comment on there if you weren't the original poster so that the devs know it's not just one person with the issue. I don't use CDN's so I'm not sure what the problem would be there.

Nice! I'll look for that post, thanks for the heads up. I'll post some screenshots of the big differences I'm seeing: (I have blurred client information so I apologize for the distortion)

Previewed: Header

Published: Header

Previewed: Pagination and Dropdown list

Published: Pagination and Dropdown list

Hope these screenshots clear up some of the differences I'm seeing between Preview and Publish!

It's odd, because I can definitely tell that some of the CSS is coming through, such as background color on pagination, but not padding or display. I'm noticing that my style.css is coming through loud and clear, but maybe the default bootstrap css is not?

I see what you mean now too, when you find that post, be sure to reference a link to this one so you don't have to repeat all the links and conversation etc. Good luck with it, I'm curious to know what the deal is myself, but it does look like the same issues the other posted was talking about so hopefully that will help the devs find the issues on this, or clarify what we need to do for using CDN's a little more if we aren't utilizing it correctly in the app.

Hey thanks for your help Jo! I appreciate it

Sorry that you've run into this problem! This issue was caused by a bug in Bootstrap Studio but we fixed it in version 2.5.2. Can you try publishing again once you upgrade?

You guys are just wonderful! Thanks Martin, it does work perfectly now!!